Posts from 2024 (Page 5)
They Will Take Away Our Land And Nation
The fear of Roman retaliation drove some of the religious authorities of Jesus' day to turn against him. This same dynamic continues to play out in our world.
Resting In The Peace Of Wild Things
Both Jeremiah and Jesus face rejection from the very people that they are trying to set free. How do they and we not let ourselves succumb to negativity?
What’s In A Name?
In the scriptures, names have meaning and power. We are invited to reflect on our own names and the name God calls us and live into that meaning and power.
Living Into The Label
[Note: Today’s guest blog is written by Michael Stachura. Michael and his wife, Allyson, have been members of Spiritus for 10 years. He says, “we try to live a Mother Earth friendly lifestyle including managing our multi-acre veg and flower gardens in Honeoye Falls chemical free while providing a healthy habitat for butterflies, pollinators and birds.” Thanks for your contribution today, Michael!] Lately I have been reflecting on labels, and how we name things and people to give them meaning. For example,…
Love And Appreciate The Ordinary
On the feast of St. Joseph, we remember a man who brought great love to his ordinary tasks and everyday life.
The Harmful Consequences of Male Power
In today's readings we witness men who use their power over women and men who act as allies. We are called by faith to address gender-based violence.
Catch and Release
In today's readings, we witness the perpetual cycle of ending and rebirth and are invited to surrender to this mystery.
A Journey Of Consent
Through practices like Centering Prayer, we offer an ongoing and ever-deeper consent to God's will and action in our lives.
That We Would Dare To Raise Our Voices
Throughout history, those who challenged the status quo were demonized and persecuted. Jesus was one of those figures.
Coming Home To Ourselves
Our lives are full of limitation and promise. At our core, however, God assures us that we are enough - however much we can bring today.
It Is A Time For Restoration
Our current environmental crisis can feel like the exile ancient Israel once felt. But God has not forgotten us and can lead us home.
Water Is The First Medicine
Water is everywhere in the bible and is gift from God for all of humanity. It is a matter of our faith to make sure we preserve and share it.