Posts from 2024 (Page 8)
No More Thoughts and Prayers
In Isaiah 58, God crituques the prayers and fasting of Israel because it is unrelated to what God really desires - concrete acts of liberation in the world.
Finding Our Way Back
During the season of Lent, we are invited to reflect more intentionally on what William Stringfellow called the "culture of death" and find ways to resist it.
The Hard and Necessary Self-reflection and Recommitment
Welcome to Lent 2024! We are glad that you have joined us on this journey. Every day during this season we will offer short reflections on the themes of Lent and how these might connect with life today. We certainly look forward to your being an active parcipant through your comments, suggestions and feedback. As in the past, the blog will feature some guest contributors, and we start Ash Wednesday with a guest! Michael Marshall, who is fully committed to…
The Joy of Struggle
In the scripture passage frome James 1, we're invited to find "joy in struggle." While this is not an easy task, it is possible.
Where Does God Dwell?
While Solomon built a temple for God to "dwell in," God is also found in our work, our lives and in the least among us.
Let Him Alone And Let Him Curse
King David seemingly remains open to someone who was very angry with him. What might happen when we can stay open and curious?
Binding the Strong Man on the Journey
Jesus identifies himself as the one who will "bind the strong man" so that justice can prevail. Will be join him on this journey?
The Mission to Which They Call Us is a Most Difficult One
In his life and ministry, Jesus was seeking to help his followers find a new way to respond in a world filled with revenge and violence.
Pathway to Plant-based Eating You may already have heard of some compelling reasons why plant-based eating is beneficial: Carbon Footprint of Foods* Perhaps you have already been convinced of the reasons why plant-based eating may be better for the world and for your health, but you are concerned that a commitment toward this may be sacrificial—reducing your pleasure in living. But many people who have embarked on this journey have experienced health improvements and have found that it has opened…
You are good, so very good
Upon coming out of his baptism, Jesus hears that he is beloved. In our lives, we are invited to hear and feel that same belovedness.
Mary, The Friend of God and Prophet
There is so much more to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, than most of us have been taught. She was a prophet, elder, leader and model for all disciples.