Posts from 2025
Chosen By and Choosing God
Today's readings offer us a model of of choosing the God who has chosen us and living fully into that relationship.
The Symptoms Of Deeper Realities
In today's gospel, Jesus' listeners are invited into a deeper exploration of anger and the need to address it in our relationships.
Praying Like Esther
Jesus counsels his listeners to ask, seek and knock - not so much so that we get what we want but that we recognize our dependence on God.
No Further Signs Will Be Given
Both Jesus and Jonah preached repentance. The people around Jesus wanted a sign, however. Yet he said no further signs would be given.
The Tremendous Power Of Words
We are cautioned today to take care about the words we speak to others, God and ourselves - because words matter.
Matthew 25 As Public Policy
What would public policy based on Matthew 25 look like? Long before Christians were here, the Haudenosaunee showed us.
Leaving the Narrow PLaces Behind
Jesus' temptations in the desert represent his trying to understand how his people lost their way and how he can align with a path to wholeness.
Repair Of The World
In his life and ministry, Jesus invited his followers to fololw Isaiah 58's call to be 'repairers of the breach.'
Trying To Get God’s Attention
The kind of fasting and worship that God desires is the kiind that sets people free, promotes liberation and has direct impacts for people who are hurting.
Today I Set Before You Life And Death…Choose Life
In the gospel today, Jesus reminds his followers that going with him on the journey will inevitably cost us something and require sacrifice.
Return With Your Whole Heart
Jesus' followers are encouraged to return to God with their whole hearts and take up prayer, fasting and almsgiving for 40 days.
God Provides A Way Back
God is always offering us a possibility of return in our lives. Today Jesus offers a wealthy man a path that he struggles to embrace.
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