Each of our sacramental programs are specifically designed to enhance your child and family’s knowledge, understanding and experience of the presence of God in their own lives. These programs create and promote growth and a deeper faith experience.
Offered for any age
“Jesus came from Nazareth and was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan…and a voice came from heaven, you are my beloved child; with you I am well pleased.” Mark 1:9-11
Our Baptism classes are offered for parents to provide the knowledge and understanding of the importance of Baptism in the Catholic faith. Classes give parents a chance to connect with other families and to focus on the beginning steps of bringing their child up in this community
Program and Classes Offered once a month
To register for our Baptism class offered for parents- please contact Elaine West or Emily at 325-1180 or via email at office@spirituschristi.net
Our next BAPTISM CLASS will be offered via Zoom on Wednesday, JUNE 15, 2022 at 6:30pm. If you are interested in signing up for the class, please contact SIOBHAN POTTER or call her at the Spiritus office at 325-1180 x 105.
Offered for children in 2nd Grade and older
“Jesus took the bread, and blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him…” Luke 24:30-31
Our First Holy Communion program teaches children the importance of the Eucharist and what that means in their faith. They learn the significance of it and how we are called to be disciples of Jesus and to take this special gift to be the fuel of our lives to go out to love and serve others.
Program and classes run Late January- Early May
Register in Beginning of January
Offered for children in 4th grade and older
Program and classes run late November- Early February
“ Jesus said to them, receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven…” John 20:22-23
The Reconciliation program focuses on forgiveness and what that means in our lives as disciples of Jesus. The children learn about not only about the act of forgiving others, but how to ask for forgiveness as well. Children discover throughout the program how both these acts affect us as Christians and how God helps us through it.
Program and classes run late November- Early February
Registration starts beginning of November
Offered for teens 9th grade and older
“Then they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.” Acts 8:17
The Confirmation program teaches teens the path to choosing Jesus for the rest of their lives. Teens learn about the importance of the Holy Spirit and the 7 gifts we are given to allow us the knowledge and tools to continue to choose Jesus and to follow his message of unconditional love in our own lives.
Program and Classes run late January-mid April
Registration begins early January

For more information about our Sacramental Programs you can contact Siobhan Potter.
Phone: (585)- 325-1180 ext. 105
Upcoming Events
More info coming soon!