The Persecuted

The Persecuted

Friday, April 5

Readings: WIS 2:1A, 12-22; JN 7:1-2, 10, 25-30

In modern lingo, today’s readings are about “haters” but also about truthtellers.  It all depends on what side of the equation you think you’re on.

Back in the time when the scriptures were written and now, there are people who go against the grain of the dominant narrative, and there are people who are very bothered by this.

If we are somehow affiliated with the dominant narrative, we might resonate with the words from the book of Wisdom when it says, “Let us beset the just one, because [they are] obnoxious to us; [they set themselves] against our doings, Reproaches us for transgressions of the law and charges us with violations of our training….merely to see [them] is a hardship for us…different are [their] ways.”

Wow!  Strong words, indeed.  But the sentiment is that this person generates so much angst in us (or in the systems that we’re part of) because we feel that they are holding up a mirror to us – personally or collectively – and we don’t like what we see.  And often they are pointing out things about our behavior or character that are inconsistent with a set of values.  It might even feel easier to get rid of the messenger rather than think through the message!

Today’s readings might invite us to reflect on questions like, “What do we do when information comes at us that goes against what we thought to be true?  What do we do with people who might challenge our lifestyle or our version of reality?”

Obviously this was the situation for Jesus.  He became hated by many because he challenged some of the fundamental assumptions that guided the world he lived in.  He asked difficult questions.  He offered a critique of how power was being used.  He aligned himself with outcasts instead of trying to ascend the ladder of success.  And he knew who he was.

For many of us who grew up Christian, we often read the stories of scripture assuming that we were on the “side” of Jesus or that we were the people in his company. We were taught to think of ourselves as the insiders.  But there’s an old practice of reading scripture from a variety of perspectives and “re-placing” ourselves in the narrative so that we get a different perspective.  In today’s reading, what if we placed ourselves in the crowd of people who were angry with him – even to the point of violence.  What would Jesus challenge that would make us so mad that we’d want to get rid of him? Private property? Kinship networks? Privilege? Dominant stories of United States history? Our pride or righteousness?

It might differ for each of us, but the beauty of Jesus is that he loves us so deeply that he is working to help us let go of anything that is not part of God’s kin-dom.  The challenge might be that we’ve built a life around those very things so the invitation might not be entirely welcomed!

Clearly, thus far I’ve only focused on the challenge side of this equation.  We might all have experienced times when we were the persecuted because we went against the grain as well – in our families, in our communities or in our workplaces.  This is also part of the work of the gospel.  The book of Wisdom makes it plain what to expect when we do this.  The systems will respond by saying, “With revilement and torture let us put [them] to the test that we may have proof of [their] gentleness and try [their] patience.”

When we go against the grain, the world will test and torture us.  I think that’s why Jesus said, “blessed are you” when the speak ill of you.  He already knew what the world would do and would probably say that if you’re not making someone angry somehow (or at least uncomfortable!), you may not be doing much of substance.  When we take stands, it makes others uncomfortable.  When we don’t accept the status quo, it makes other uncomfortable.  When we know ourselves, it makes other uncomfortable.  And while it is always frustrating, disappointing, hurtful and disheartening when others persecute us somehow, it is not unexpected.

For today, just sit with this message – whatever side of the equation you find yourself on these days.

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