Mass Times

Mass Times

Sunday7:30am EST Spiritus Christi
Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipartWhat is a hearing loop? - Hearing Link
Sunday9:30am ESTHochstein + livestream
Guide to Using Sign Language Interpreters | odr Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipart What is a hearing loop? - Hearing Link
Monday12:10pm ESTSpiritus Christi + livestream
Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipart
Tuesday (prayer)
Tuesday Ecumenical Mass

8:30am EST
12:10pm EST

Immanuel Baptist Church + livestream
Wednesday12:10pm EST Spiritus Christi + livestream
Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipart
Thursday7:00pm EST Spiritus Christi + livestream
Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipartWhat is a hearing loop? - Hearing Link
Friday12:10pm EST Spiritus Christi + livestream
Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipart
Saturday5:00pm EST Spiritus Christi
Wheelchair Disability International Symbol of Access Computer Icons , wheelchair  transparent background PNG clipart | HiClipartWhat is a hearing loop? - Hearing Link

mass in the Park

Every year, we have three summer and two winter outdoor Masses in the Park. Our next one will be coming in the summer of 2025. Check back later for more details.


  • Spiritus Christi and Hochstein parking lots and buildings are wheelchair accessible.
  • Hochstein and Spiritus Christi Sanctuary have a Hearing Loop
  • Sunday 9:30am Mass is ASL interpreted