Set Right What Needs To Be Done
Today's scriptures offer us a tall order in terms of the faith journey. Each of us is called to reflect on what this might look life in our own lives.
Now Our Minds Are One
Paul urges us to develop a 'unity of heart and mind' that enable us to create a common good where all can grow and thrive.
Theology From The Bottom Up
Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez helped to articluate a modern goapel call to enact social and economic justice for the poor in our world.
On The Road From Greed To Giving
Jesus warns his followers about greed and suggests that those who are rich in "what matters to God" have found God's kin-dom.
Stand Firm And Do Not Submit
Paul tells the Galatians to remember their heritage of freedom. This is a profound message for everyone on this national holiday.
Breaking Rank And Growing Our Souls
The events of October 7 last year invite us to more deeply consider what a "Christian" response might look like.
“What happened to you? Why does your heart ache?”
We may not always come to know "why" certain suffering comes our way, but we can hope that a wider community helps us bear it.
A Time For Vigorous And Positive Action
The scriptures call us to action in the moment and to not put off for tomorrow what we can and should do for others today.
Leading With Connection
In the passage from Luke where Jesus heals the centurion's slave, we see Jesus resist othering and instead move towards connection.
Letting Go Of The Programming That No Longer Serves Us
Following Jesus requires a willingness to free ourselves from conventional programming so we can be open to new life.
Mission Statements
In Luke 4, Jesus begins his public ministry by quoting from Isaiah 61. Our faith asks how aligned we might be with this same mission.
Silence Is Not An Option
In both the life and ministry of Jesus and the witness of the early church, speaking truth to power was a critical action.