Blog (Page 30)
All Is Well
Monday, May 11 Often times when I sit down to pray in the morning, I find it difficult to quiet my thoughts. My desire is to empty my mind and listen to the morning, be aware of my breathing, and ready myself to hear God’s message. Instead my mind is preoccupied with my daily life, going over and over a mundane task on my agenda or worrying about a potential conversation that is destined to go no farther than…
Today’s reflection is written by Brian O’Neill Friday, May 8 Drive and ambition to succeed in life are wonderful qualities. Drive and ambition that is fueled only by my personal agenda and ego is not sustainable nor spiritually healthy. Time and patience have been great teachers for me as I worked to build a successful life as a professional artist. I take risks and make bold choices to advance my career, some of which have been fruitful and others have…
Wisdom asks you to listen
Thursday, May 7 There is a story about an old farmer who was persuaded by his nephew to come and visit him in the Big Apple. So, the farmer got on a plane and went to New York City, and the nephew met him and immediately took him down to Times Square to show off the city to him. They were walking down the street, and the old farmer suddenly stopped and said, “Did you hear that?” The young man looked at all the…
I Listen, I Love, I give
Today’s reflection is written by Brian O’Neill As I spend more time with this last paragraph I am able to connect through my heart and less through my rational and judgmental mind. I listen, I love, I give. That is as far as I got and I felt the need to pause and ask myself, do I actively listen when another is speaking to me or am I am rehearsing what I am going to say when they stop talking?…View post to subscribe to site newsletter.
One Drop of Willingness
Tuesday, May 5 In 2014, I traveled to India to be with my sister and daughter at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulum ashram in Anaikutti, Tamil Nadu, India. My family’s friend and mentor, Swami Dayananda, was the founder and teacher there. Every morning at 4 AM, the bells chimed to call us to prayer. I rose to find my way to the Hindu temple where I sat outside. As the chanting of prayers rose in rhythmic and musical tones, I sat…
THE Power of my love is within you
Mother Mary gives us instruction on how to pause, breathe, and listen for her guidance in our hearts. Brian O'Neill shares his story and reflections with us.
Pause and Be Fueled
May meditation - Pause and Be Fueled - Spiritus Christi Church - Mary Ramerman
The Communty of Believers
Readings: ACTS 4:32-37; JN 3:7B-15 As we said at Easter, we’re going to try to keep sending some reflections your way on an occasional basis and figured, “Why not today?” Today’s reading from Acts is, perhaps, one of the most foundational (and aspirational) texts from the Christian scriptures. I remember being in my 20’s studying theology and justice and starting to “experiment” in intentional community. These lines from Acts 4 were inspirational: The community of believers was of one heart…View post to subscribe to site newsletter.
Practice Resurrection
April 12 – Easter Sunday Readings: Acts 10:34A, 37-43; 1 Cor 5:6B-8 (or Col 3:1-4); Jn 20:1-9 Happy Easter, my friends! It is always hard for me to believe that we have arrived at the “end” of our Lenten time together. I have really appreciated all of you for being on this journey with me and I hope that these writings have helped you connect more deeply to your own faith commitments. I have also really appreciated all of the…
Breathe, Surrender, Wait
Saturday April 11 Readings: There are so many readings for today (because these are the readings for the Easter vigil) that I direct you to for the full line up. The readings are worth exploring especially because they provide the DNA (if you will) of our faith story through scripture. I think of Holy Saturday as the “feast of all those who wait” and this day highlights the “in between”-ness of so many parts of our lives – especially…
Holy Day of Brokenness
April 10 – Good Friday Readings: Is 52:13—53:12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Christians all over the world join together today to remember the “passion” of Jesus. I love that word because Jesus was a man of passion and the pain and suffering he endured is also referred to as his passion. My sense is that this is a characteristic of living whole-heartedly – we feel and experience it all! You do not have to look far to know that…
Forgetting is Exile; Remembering is Redemption
Thursday April 9 – Holy Thursday Readings: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Today marks the beginning of the “high holy days” of the Christian faith. It encompasses the time from Holy Thursday evening to the Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday services and is referred to as the “Easter Triduum” (meaning three) due to the great importance of these three days. The readings and services of these days also strive to give us a blueprint or summary, if you will,…