Bold and Flexible

Bold and Flexible

If there are two words that I would pick out as I read today’s scriptures, I’d say BOLD and FLEXIBLE.

The post-Easter readings from Acts tell the story of how the early apostles begin to let go of their fear and move through the world in a new way. They think less about the “authorities” and, instead, focus on their inner authority. 

This is always a big shift for anyone when we let go of fear. Maybe we release the fear of approval or acceptance. Maybe we let go of a fear of scarcity. Maybe we let go of a fear that we won’t be enough somehow or that we will be punished. But once we release that fear, there is a freedom that comes into our lives that helps us be bold in what we do.

In his life, Jesus often said to his disciples and friends a version of “Do not be afraid,” and I think he meant it because he knew that fear can choke and constrict us – especially spiritually.

In the gospel passage, the Pharisee Nicodemus comes to Jesus “at night” because of his fears of being discovered. He is interested in and captivated by Jesus but is afraid of what coming to him in the open might mean.

Nicodemus is working through his fears.

We notice that Jesus welcomes him regardless. Jesus is like that and works with Nicodemus (and us for that matter) with whatever we’re willing to give him. Jesus knows that letting go of fear is often a process, and he will meet us wherever we are in that process.

As he’s speaking to Nicodemus, Jesus compares the Spirit of God to the wind and says, “The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.”

For me, this is where the flexibility comes in.

I don’t know about you, but God rarely fits into my prepared schedule or plans.  God moves in ways that I do not expect and can’t predict.  Jesus was a lot like this too. He kept doing and saying things that his disciples didn’t plan on that stretched them and invited them deeper.

Like any relationship, our relationship with God needs to remain fluid and flexible. The Spirit is constantly moving, and our work is to remain open and attentive to the Spirit’s call in our lives and in the world.

Perhaps for today we might reflect a bit on: In what areas of my life could I use some boldness? Is there something I need to say or do that has been emerging within me?

In what areas of my life could I use some flexibility? Is there something I need to accept or adapt to that I have been resisting or inflexible about?


    Tom Curtin

    Thank you, Mike. I needed to hear /read this message this am.
    Have a good day.
    Tom Curtin

    Candice Wells

    Thank you Mike. Good questions for me to reflect on today.
    Candice Wells


    So glad to be able to read a message from you (and God) because I believe God speaks to me through you. I have many fears I’m trying to work through and your words are certainly a help in this process. Thanks, Mike!

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