God Provides A Way Back
God is always offering us a possibility of return in our lives. Today Jesus offers a wealthy man a path that he struggles to embrace.
Responding With What Is Needed In Each Moment
Jesus heals a young boy after the disciples are unsuccessful. He invites us to deepen our prayer practices so that we, too, might tap into a deeper power.
The Voices That Cry Out From The Ground
After Cain kills his brother Abel, God says that Abel's blood cries out from the ground. These same cries can be heard in our world today.
You Are Loved. You Are Beautiful. You Are Good.
In Genesis, God looks at all creation and declares it good. In his life and ministry, Jesus tried to do the same for everyone he met.
Dancing Instead Of Fighting
We are called by our gospel tradition to resist harm to others. How we name and frame that resistance, however, holds deep meaning.
Finding Our Own Pulpits
Jesus was aware that by living out the kin-dom of God, he would need to counter the status quo. We are called to do likewise.
The Long, Bitter And Beautiful Struggle For A New World
Jesus called for new wineskins in this world. He offered an alternative vision that was taken up by MLK. It is now ours to take up as well.
This Is Not Normal
In Jesus' ministry, he brought a sense of urgency to his ministry because he knew what was at stake. We can do the same in our lives.
Don’t Trust Every Spirit
We're couseled by our scriptural tradition to discern the spirits of our age for their alignment with the gospels and life of Jesus.
Remaining Present In This Moment
Anna the prophetess suffered loss and grief in her life and yet remained present to God's ongoing revelation.
We Must Pass Through John To Get To Jesus
In so many ways, our Christian tradition tells us that in order to meet Jesus we must meet first with John the Baptist.
He Is For You. He Is For You.
Jesus is questioned by what authority he is doing the work of healing and reconciliation - which is the work we are ALL called to.