Reflections (Page 11)

Reflections (Page 11)

The Beauty & Harshness in Life

At times, the harshness of the season leaves me frowning and growling.  Winter seems to wake up the uncomfortableness in me. The howling winds, the below-freezing temperatures of NY, and the drudging through so much snow, at times is challenging. There in its midst though, leaves me paralyzed with all its beauty.  The sparkle of the freshly fallen snow leaves me feeling like I am walking in a field of diamonds. The richness of the season cannot be denied. The…

A Love Story

I am constantly mesmerized by mother nature as she hypnotizes me time and time again into a world of love and miracles. The living world seems to present a different love story every day.  This morning opens like a Christmas present, full of surprises, as Mother Earth sheds the darkness into daylight. Creation seems to capture all I am longing for… love, hope, mystery, strength, and beauty.  I wait patiently to see what nature has unwrapped. The intermittent clouds are…

If I Were to Write a Letter to God, What Would I Say?

Dear God, I saw you in the store yesterday, but I was in a hurry, so did not take the time to help you with your groceries. Yes, it was me at the gas station, but I thought you were no one I knew, so I looked the other way. I know you told me many times, not to be afraid and that you are always with me, but you looked different and that scared me. It reminded me of…


Today’s reflection is written by Brian O’Neill and Mary Ramerman Friday, May 29 from Brian: Thomas Merton said of gratitude, “To be grateful, is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us—and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is grace, for it brings with it  immense graces from Him. Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new…

be gentle

Thursday, May 27 Yoyo Ma is a famous cello player.  He says that he is often asked by his students how they should prepare for a performance. He tells them that in order to become a professional musician you will go through years of training, and you will often be critiqued and judged by your teachers. If you get on stage and begin to think about that criticism and then begin to worry about your performance, it will be a…


Today’s reflection is written by Brian O’Neill and the banner image is his original artwork. Wednesday, May 27 My personal experience with seeking and maintain serenity has changed over the years as I’ve grown in my spiritual life. I did a search to see how Google defines serenity and the first result was; the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. That sounds great! I know it would be easy for me to be calm, peaceful, and untroubled on a…


Tuesday, May 26 When I was eighteen years old and attending Humboldt State University in the redwoods of northern California, a speaker came to the college. He was Leo Buscaglia, a professor from USC where he taught the course LOVE 1A.  Leo was a large Italian man with a graying beard and dancing eyes and a hearty laugh.  For one hour, he captivated his audience of young adults with stories of living life.  He told us how after eating a…


Today’s reflection is written by Brian O’Neill Monday, May 25 When I think of the word joy, my first thought is, what makes me happy? I love art, cooking, singing and gardening—all of these give me great joy. Doing things that directly benefit me require little sacrifice. I have learned another form of joy that isn’t always easy to obtain, offer, or embrace. I am referring to the joy that is felt in being of service to others, which asks…

Forever My Child

Friday, May 22 A woman had a friend over for tea.  As they prepared the tea in the kitchen, she looked out the window into the yard next door and saw her neighbor hanging up her laundry. “Look at those clothes,” she said to her friend.  “They are not even clean.  She’s hanging up dirty clothes.”  Her friend came over to the window to look.   She peered through the window, then took her hand and rubbed the glass.  “It’s not…


Today’s reflection was written by Brian O’Neill Thursday, May 21 I am a very driven and goal-oriented person. I wouldn’t say that I am type A but maybe more of a B+, if there is such a thing? I strive for perfection in work, gardening, cooking, and any endeavor that I attempt. Even as I sit and write this blog post there is a big part of me that wants it to be perfect. To insist on perfectionism in myself…

An Unknown Path

Wednesday, May 20 Earlier this week, a reader ended her comment with the phrase  “as we all travel this unknown path together.”  An unknown path…immediately all kinds of images came to my mind. I thought of the many hikes I have taken through the Adirondacks, along the coast of Maine, and on the Pacific Coast. When I think of an unknown path, all my senses are heightened. There is a tinge of anxiety that arises. Where is the path going? …

Our Breath

Today’s reflection is written by Brian O’Neill Tuesday, May 19 Authentic intimacy is a learned behavior for many people, myself included. When I think of the word intimacy many ideas come up, but what is the feeling? What does genuine intimacy feel like? For me, it’s safety. What is it for you? When I can be in the presence of another person and be my authentic self, with all my scars, honesty, and vulnerability and not feel judged nor threatened…