Choosing Life and Limits

Choosing Life and Limits

(Note: This post somehow went out on Monday Monring even though it was scheduled for Thursday. Not sure why or what happened, but here it is, again and on the correct day!)

Readings: DT 30:15-20; LK 9:22-25

The Hebrew scriptures give us powerful words today where Moses says, “Today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom…. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live.” Moses is talking about the commandments that have been given by God.  And while some people interpret the commandments as overly legalistic and heavy-handed, I would suggest we look at them as deep truths about living and living in community.  Moses knew that when these deep truths get transgressed, human community starts to break down quickly.

Jesus then says other strong words (we get a lot of strong words during Lent!), “If you want to follow me, you must deny yourself.”

In both of these situations, I hear God inviting us to consider saying, “No” to something so that we might say a deeper, “Yes” to something else.

I remember back in the 1980’s there was a beer commercial that said, “Who says, you can’t have it all?”  Well today’s scriptures say that!  The Hebrew texts and the Christian scriptures all remind us that we must make choices, live within limits and recognize that everything we do (or fail to do) has consequences.

As you move through your day today, look for opportunities where you might “choose life”.  Think about your relationships and conversations.  But also reflect on your purchases, your lifestyle choices and how you spend your time. Is there an invitation to say, “No” to something so that we might say a deeper “Yes” to something else in our life?

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