As many of you will already know, our beloved Fr. Jim transitioned from this world on 12/13. His passing is heartbreaking for so many and leaves a big hole in our lives. Of course he often reminded us of the optimistic words of Julian of Norwich, “and all will be well, and all will be well…” And while I do believe this, it does not take away the sting of this loss.
The night before Fr. Jim died, the Spiritus community held a special service called “An Evening of Yellow Roses” to convey to him how much he meant to us and all of the good that he set in motion. I know that many of you were there (in person or virtually), so I won’t recap the whole thing (and if you did not get to see it, the video is available online).
At one point towards the end of the service, Steve Tranelli and Margot McKenna were singing the song “The Blessing.” About halfway through the song, I could feel the energy rising as they, the choir and community joined in what I considered a mystical moment. And they sang these lines, “He is for you. He is for you,” numerous times.
I was in tears as many of you were and was thinking that we were saying these lines to Fr. Jim (that God was for him) at the same time as these lines were being said to us (that Fr. Jim was always for us).
Fr. Jim’s life was ever focused on trying to get people to understand just how much he was for us and how much God is for us.
I remember talking with him over the years about his incredible homilies, and he said that he really only had a few themes that he kept repeating but in different ways. Through his pastoral work, he knew that so many people struggled to believe that they were good or even good enough and needed to keep hearing this message over and over because they had been hurt so many times.
Families had damaged people. The church had damaged people. The world had damaged people. And all this harm left so many people feeling like they weren’t good.
Fr. Jim made it his mission not only to tell people how much God loves them but to show them. He especially wanted anyone who had been hurt, marginalized, excluded or betrayed to know this, and he used his own life and words to try to make people FEEL and EXPERIENCE it.
Fr. Jim was for us.
And like so many other great spiritual teachers, he asked us to “go and do likewise.” Be people for others.
In today’s reading from Matthew 21, Jesus is being questioned by the chief priests and elders. He has been teaching and healing people – especially the people who had been rejected by church and society – and he’d become quite popular. In essence, he’s telling and showing people how much God loves them by being with them, making their pain visible and healing them.
The chief priests and elders ask him, “By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority?” Instead of thanking or affirming Jesus, they question him.
Jesus gets under their skin because he’s doing unsanctioned healing and loving work. How often do we see this in our world – that the people and places that should be about healing and reconciliation are the very ones who withhold it or act as gatekeepers for God!
But Jesus came to show us that God has no gatekeepers. And Fr. Jim’s life and ministry showed us the same. We do not need any special authority to love other people and show them how good they are. That is our birthright and it is our calling.
No doubt in the days to come, there will be more and more stories told of our beloved Fr. Jim. Recovering from a loss of this magnitude takes time, and the grief process is a complicated one. One of the many things that was amazing about him is that everyone who knew him kind of felt a special relationship with him. He let everyone into the inner circle of his heart!
So don’t rush the process. Lean on each other. Come together. Weep. Laugh. Tell stories.
But whatever you do, remember that he loved you. He was and will remain for you, and that our God is for us as well. And as we go into this world, let’s take up his example in our lives. Be there for other people. Let them feel God’s love through you.
Diane L Seebach
Thank you, Mike. That was beautifully written, and so Fr Jim. I will miss his homilies, he had so much to teach us and make us feel God’s love, when we struggled to feel it. He was our beacon of light. We must not let the flame go out.
Michelle Hood
Thank you so much, Mike. Thinking of you too and sending energy and Light to you as you grieve the loss of your friend (from this world).
Mary Heveron-Smith
I felt that incredible moment during this song, so much so that I came home, went to the recording, found that point, and listened again and again. What a beautiful goodbye that felt transcendent. Thank you for your words of comfort, Mike.
Catherine Flannery
Thank you Michael! The essence of Father Jim was love and his capacity to make all of us feel loved by him and by God was enormous !
I am sending prayers and love to you during this painful time.
Catherine Flann
Diane Lee
I only knew your beloved friend through my friends Vicki and Tom Wright. They have brought his powerful example to our church and community here in South Carolina. His Spirit lives on. Thank you Mike for always bringing faith and love to us through your writing.
Barbara Simmons
Thank you, Mike for this reflection. A line that stood out to me is, “He let everyone into the inner circle of his heart.” It perfectly describes how Fr. Jim treated everyone. You felt seen and heard in his presence. He had so many wonderful attributes, but making people feel loved and valued was one of his greatest strengths. What a legacy he leaves. As we mourn his loss, let us each day remember what a gift God gave us when He sent us Fr. Jim. God danced the day Jim Callan was born.
Joan Haviland
Mike, this is so beautiful. God and Jim are definitely for us. I’ve been curious as to how the resistance will take shape for me and one of the huge messages is “Love one another as I have loved you”. Yes, God did dance on the day Jim was born – probably an Irish jig!!
Sending love and gratitude for your gifts that make our church so dynamic!
Joan Haviland
Patrick Dwyer
Really great reflection Mike. Your writings and homilies are always very profound and helpful. All that you said is spot on. It will take time and know because I saw that Thursday the love for Fr. Jim. What a church he has built. An architect of sort; everything Fr. Jim’s dream for the church had come true. We will keep his legacy alive. For this I am certain.
Sebastian Petix (Sib)
The line in the hymn that is repeated, “…and the children and their children…”
speaks to me of his legacy. And you, Michael, are an important part of the legacy. He has mentored you well. It helps the grieving to know that he lives on in all who now carry the torch to light the way out of this heavy darkness we are feeling.
Thank you for being there for us.
Mary Denn
Oh I needed to hear this message today, Mike. You captured the essence of Fr. Jim perfectly. Thank you!
barbara bramzovich
Mike, thank you for blessing us with this comforting writing. It reads as if Fr. Jim himself had written it because you are so like him–and thus like Jesus.
Peter Veitch
Thank you, Michael. This is a heartbreaking loss, but also a time of deep grace and gratitude.
Deborah Benedetto
Thank you Mike. He is so loved and will be so missed.
Tom Coyle
Thank you Mike , what an emotional , heart breaking week . Fr. Jim has touched SO MANY hearts and lives with his love and selfless life ! We are the blessed flock for knowing and loving him . We all have personal God moments with him . Tears of loss , and joy for Fr. Jim as he enjoys everlasting life with the Lord !
Peace and comfort for Fr. Jim , his family , and all of us !❤️
Claire Benesch
Thank you, Mike! I always think you write just what I need to hear! And today you nailed it. I went about yesterday smiling and crying as I gazed upon the yellow rose I took from church that morning. I am heartbroken but take comfort in the fact that we have a saint in heaven loving us and pulling for us in every way! Blessings and peace to you.
Judy Crissy
Thank you, Mike. Always enjoy your words of wisdom and hit home.
Dawn Novak
Thank you Mike for so eloquently stating what we are feeling. There were so many moments of love on Thursday , Saturday and Sunday for many of us. The other doing that resonated with me was Holy Redeemer as I felt it’s double meaning with Fr Jim ‘ Thank you, O my Father, for giving us your Son (fr Jim), and leaving your (his) Spirit till the work on earth is done. So let us all continue the work
Dan Krist
Thank you for this summary of the connection between Father Jim & Jesus’ teachings and approach to connecting God with us Mike. You really just hit the nail on the head.
Chris Adams
Thank you, Mike. Well said and shared. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. God and Fr. Jim are always and will always be for us.
Betty Fedorjaka
Thank you Mike. Beautifully said! I will try to live the rest of my life keeping Father Jim’s dream alive. Through him , and because of him this world is a better place. I want to contribute to making it better.also 🙏
Mike, you did what Fr. Jim always did, which is you said just what we needed to hear. Thank you for that. You said it beautifully!
Corinne St. Martin
Mike – This is beautifully written. Thank you. When I was watching the ‘Night of Yellow Roses’ livestream, I felt the power of love and the Holy Spirit at that same moment you described so well. I could only imagine that the mystical moment you spoke of was even more beautiful/powerful in person. I have many feelings over Fr. Jim’s death. Along with deep sadness…. gratitude is there. Fr. Jim’s choices and his courage impacted many of our lives so that Spiritus could be where it is now, so in turn – these concentric circles of love and positive change – all started by Fr. Jim, impacted me and my husband. We are fortunate for this. (I have received help and guidance from SCMHC, I’ve made lifelong friends via Spiritus, I brought my husband to Spiritus, Rev. Mary married us, we have given back when we could… and the positivity goes on and on). A friend, spiritual mentor and Spiritus parishioner (Chris Phillips) asked me an excellent question this past Sunday – “I see Father Jim’s life acting in me. Do you see him in you?”
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