We know that faith formation is a continuing process. Adults of all ages need ongoing opportunities to grow spiritually, and Spiritus Christi is committed to providing ongoing opportunities for people to connect, share, grow and reflect. It is our hope to give people ongoing tools to live lives of meaning, purpose and service as we take our faith with us into the world every day. We’re really glad you’re here with us!
Small Christian Communities have their origins in the early days of the church, but really became a vehicle for the renewal of the church (and society) following Vatican II. SCC’s offer a chance for a small group of people to come together and reflect on their lives in light of their faith.
IN-PERSON OPTION: Some SCC’s meet after mass for brunch, some gather once a month at people’s houses and some primarily do service projects. Each group has a different flavor and collectively makes decisions about what works best for the members.
VIRTUAL OPTION: If you are non-local, we invite you to join us for our monthly Virtual SCC on the third Mondays of the month, from 7-8pm (Central) - Note this is 8pm Eastern. Virtual parishioners, Katie Winikates and Kathy Glatz, will serve as facilitators for the next several months. If interested in attending this gathering, or one in the future, please call the church office (M-F, 9 am-5 pm), 585-325-1180 with your name, phone number, and email. Thank you!
For a list of current and open SCCs, please refer to the bottom of the Adult Enrichment page.
If you’d like more information about SCC’s, please contact Mike Boucher at wordandworldroch@gmail.com.
We hold Mass in the Park five times a year, where folks gather in a local park shelter to celebrate mass and a potluck meal. Mass begins at 6 pm, followed by the meal.
In the Winter, these events are held in Buckland Lodge. off Westfall Road in Brighton.
In the Summer, they are held at the outdoor Sycamore Shelter in Ellison Park. Please bring a dish-to-pass; we will provide the hot dogs! Please join us!
Spiritus Christi offers ongoing programming related to the seasonal cycles of the church – especially focusing on Lent and Advent – and also at other times of the year. These can include Bible studies, adult enrichment talks, guest presenters, etc.
Please check our bulletin, website page and also our Events page for upcoming programming.


- LGBTQ+: meetings vary. Contact LAUREN URZETTA.
- ACROSS THE MILES: Third Wednesday of every month, 7 pm CST, Zoom. Virtual parishioners Katie Winikates (Texas) and Kathy Glatz (Iowa) facilitate this small faith sharing group for out-of-towners, focusing on the Sunday Gospel and how it relates to the faith journeys of participants. To join, please contact the CHURCH OFFICE.
- UNIFIED MINDFULNESS – Fridays, 10-11:30 am, Zoom. Contact: CHRIS PHILLIPS.
- MEN’S GROUP – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm. Contact: STEVE HEVERON-SMITH.

SWIFT (Spiritus Walking/ Wheeling in Faith Together): Often, those of us living with chronic illness and disability have to navigate broken healthcare systems, advocate for ourselves, and research diagnoses and treatments, all while being so unwell. It can be exhausting “performing normal” and even isolating constantly having to think about things that most people take for granted. Know that you are not alone. There is a small Christian community for you at Spiritus to gather each month with fellow parishioners, who share common lived experiences of chronic illness and disability. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. To sign up, please contact the Parish Office or email MIKE BOUCHER.

For more information about any of these programs, you may contact Mike Boucher via email at wordandworldroch@gmail.com or call our office at 585-325-1180

The Unified Mindfulness group recently spent six weeks exploring the meditation practice of Thich Nhat Hanh, through one of his famous mindfulness poems. Here are links to the classes:
2023 Lenten Reflection Series

2023 Lenten Series “My Story, My Voice”

2022 Virtual Lenten Series: “resisting fear, embracing hope”

Thursday Night Mass Lenten Series: “Planting seeds of hope in 2022”

Courtney Davis: Black Catholic History
Catholic history has relegated many and much to remain unseen. The Black presence in the Catholic Church not only serves as a reminder of the long and complex history of Black people and the Church, it also serves as an ever present call to reconciling truth. (CLICK ON IMAGE for recording with audio; first 1/2 hour missing due to technical difficulties).
Fr. James Martin: Learning to Pray
Links and Resources
Small Christian Community Guidelines
Edwina Gateley’s talk “A Spirituality for COVID-19
Shane Wiegand’s slides on Redlining and Rochester that he presented at Spiritus