

Readings: Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53

As we move towards Holy Week and the culmination of the Lenten journey, we start hearing more in the scriptures about persecution and plotting. It is preparing us to think more about the “Suffering Servant” and all those who are persecuted or targeted somehow.

Whenever I think about this, I think about people who are targeted and/or persecuted just for being who they are.  The systems of domination in our world make it so hard for some people to just “be”. 

 I think of people in the queer and trans communities.

I think of native peoples.

I think of people of color.

I think of people with disabilities of all kinds.

I think of people who process information differently.

I think of refugees or minority ethnic groups.

 And the list could go on.

Maybe you (or loved ones) have identities that fit into those categories.  Maybe you feel targeted for other reasons.  Maybe your family, workplace, school or neighborhood does not feel safe to you.  You might be aware that people talk behind your back, laugh at your expense, exclude you for some reason or ignore you.  Perhaps people have harrassed you, threatened violence or done other forms of harm.

No matter what it is, it hurts.

In the gospel, we hear of Nicodemus who was a secret follower of Jesus.  He is aware of the plots against Jesus, but he tries to use his voice to change things. I think of someone like Nicodemus when I read the words of Maggie Kuhn, “speak your truth even if your voice shakes.” While he was afraid, he still tried to speak up.

Part of our Lenten journey is to envision a world where everyone can be who they are in ways that are meaningful to them. I think of our current context here in the United States – especially in light of the backlash against the LGBTQ+ community, against critical race theory, against poor people or the immunocompromised. Clearly we have a ways to go, and this journey will require much more from all those who do not have targeted identities.

And yet I think of all the people who show up in unexpected places who offer us support somehow so that we can be who we are, wherever we are.

For today, I just want to give thanks for and acknowledge all those who take risks just to be who they are and I hold up all those who – in big and small ways – make it easier for people to be who they are.


    Anthony DeMasi

    Thank you Mike for doing this Lenten series. This one particularly hit home for me. #godblessyou #thankyouspiritus

    Michael Curry

    Thanks for today’s reflection, Mike. The voice shaking thing is real for me as we try to speak up for others. I’ll keep this in mind and practice it more. We Love these daily gifts you share during this Lenten season, and throughout the year. Peace.

      Mike Boucher Author

      Thanks for saying this, Mike. I know that mine shakes often…

    Barb Simmons

    I am sure that God’s wish is for us all to know how much we are loved and valued. Let us work together to make God’s dream a reality. I am pleased, but completely shocked, that it took so long to pass an anti-lynching law. In what world do people think such behavior is okay because of the color of one’s skin? In what world do people feel it is okay to harass a member of the LGBTQ community? When I sit in my pew at Spiritus Christi and see my LBGTQ brothers and sisters worshipping beside me, my heart swells with joy to see their love and commitment to God. That they feel so welcomed and cherished pleases me and God. That is how each and every human on earth should feel. Sadly, we have work to do.

      Mike Boucher Author

      I appreciate this reflection, Barb. We are ever in the cycle of “arrivals” and celebrating the places we have gotten to while also being aware of the work which remains ahead. May all one day feel loved and valued in our world!


    Just wanted to thank you for all these reflection s Mike. They are really helpful.

      Mike Boucher Author

      Thanks, Patrick. So great to have you along. I’d love to hear more about what is helpful to you or how they may be helpful.

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