Homily Archive (Page 21)

Homily Archive (Page 21)

Here you can find edited version of all our Sunday homilies and more.

Wiping Away the Tears

Spiritus Christi Father Jim Callan October 11, 2020 (Isaiah 25:6-10A) In 1997 Bishop Matthew Clark held a mass at the Cathedral to welcome the LBGTQ community.  Some of you were there.  He wanted to let them know that the church no longer rejects gay and lesbian, LBGTQ community but on the contrary cherishes them.  It was one of the peak moments of Bishop Clark’s ministry in Rochester.  Thirteen hundred people jammed in the cathedral, standing room only and 200 of…

A Lesson in Forgiveness

Fr. James Callan September 13, 2020 Matthew 18: 21-35 When I was about seven years old I broke my mother’s expensive, beautiful teapot.  It was a heirloom in the family, a wedding gift that she had treasured for years and in a rare moment of anger my mother exiled me to the laundry room in the basement as punishment.  About 45 minutes later she came down.  She sat on a load of laundry and she said, “Jimmy, today is Good…

Finding a Way Forward

Reverend Myra Brown September 6, 2020 Matthew 18: 15-20 So I must begin by giving a shout out to Lori Fromm for making my new beautiful stole.  Lori thank you wherever you are! So friends I stand before you tired and exhausted. I have spent months in meetings with Mayors and police chiefs, activists, and pastors and going to court with people talking about structural racism and education, policing, funding, corona virus response, fighting to find a pathway forward for…

Passing the Keys

Twenty-one years ago, when we started Spiritus Christi, some of you were there, we had kind of a rocky start.  The Vatican had fired us.  They told us that we were giving grave scandal to the church.  The Rochester Dioceses shunned us and threatened the Dioceses employees with their jobs if they attended Reverend Mary’s ordination. Traditional Catholics in Rochester were writing tons of letters to the Editor saying those folks are disobeying the Pope, they are ruining the church. …