Homily Archive (Page 24)

Homily Archive (Page 24)

Here you can find edited version of all our Sunday homilies and more.

This Is God’s House by Davis Craig

Temptation wears many disguises but is only powered when we believe it. Davis Craig preaches to stay grounded in God's love when we are being tempted to believe we are not enough. This lent, when temptation comes to knock on your door, just tell it sorry, this is God's house.

Being in Right Relationship – By Mike Boucher

Holiness is not about being in a certain place or thinking certain thoughts or saying the right words. That's purity. Holiness is about our hearts and being in right relationship.

Freedom and Famine at the Same time by Rev. Myra

Jesus calls us to be salt of the earth! To be the salt that brings flavor into people’s lives. Not the salt of our neighborhood, race, or group; but of the whole earth without boundaries of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality identity. Jesus wipes away all separation that could divide us. Which means it is our job to go out and season all those that we encounter without distinction, wherever we encounter them.

The Light in the Darkness by Gerard Pritchard

Gerard Pritchard preaches about the light in the darkness. We are not meant to sell ourselves short, but rather show the world the exact person God created us to be be; flaws and all.

MLK Day: The Spirit of Service – By Gaynelle Wethers

Gaynelle Wethers joins the Spiritus Community to give an inspiring message about the spirit of service. Gaynelle is currently the Director of Education at Baden Street Settlement and has a long history of leadership and service in the Rochester community. Gaynelle draws on both her professional and personal experience to deliver a powerful and eye opening homily.

Feast Day of the Holy Family – By Mark Potter

What makes this family so holy? Why did God CHOOSE to come into the world as an innocent baby to a young couple when God could have chosen to enter the world in a position of power and privilege?