Here you can find edited version of all our Sunday homilies and more.
Christmas Eve Mass
On Christmas Eve Rev. Myra preaches that she can't think of a better way for God to show his love and appreciation for humanity than to come as one of us.
God With You – By Rev. Mary Ramerman
Rev. Mary preaches to let God lead us and listen. That baby Jesus has come to us and a baby changes everything. He is everything, He is Immanuel, God with you. These are the words of Christmas.
God’s Steady Drip of Mercy and Kindness – By Mike Boucher
In this season of Advent Mike Boucher encourages us to be more patient with people and less patient with the systems that harm people and the planet.
God’s Dream for the World – By Fr. Jim Callan
God's dream for the world: “the wolf will live with the lamb and the cow and bear will eat together.” We are making this dream come true. The holiest places on earth are where hatred has turned to love.
Awake, Alert, and Ready – By Rev. Myra Brown
When Jesus tells his disciples that one day the temple will be destroyed and not one stone will be left upon another they were shocked. So they came to Jesus privately with a question, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? They wanted to know can our faith exist outside of the physical building of the temple. They weren’t sure it could, in fact they thought this could…
The Good Thief by Fr. Jim Callan
The good thief; an unlikely person defends Jesus—a criminal. He also validates Jesus' dream for the world.
“By Your Perseverance You Will Secure Your Lives” – By Rev. Mary Ramerman
Rev. Mary preaches that those of us that are able to persevere know that we're not alone in the mission that we have in life. We know that God is with us, that God is guiding us. That our strength doesn't have to come just from us, that our wisdom doesn't have to be our ow wisdom, that there is a much bigger source for that than just ourselves.
H.O.P.E. Haiti Liturgy – By Dr. Rose-Marie Chierici
Dr. Rose-Marie Chierici speaks about connections and how they are key to our individual survival and community life. Indeed connections keep H.O.P.E. alive and thriving and the connection between Spiritus and H.O.P.E. is as old as H.O.P.E. itself. Today that connection continues to nourish the work that is being done in Haiti.
What Connects Us With God? – By Fr. Jim Callan
Fr. Jim emphasizes the importance of being honest with God and preaches on Jesus’ story of the tax collector and the pharisee at the temple. Although the tax collector has taken advantage of many, he is honest with God and takes responsibility for his actions. The pharisee on the other hand is not honest and pats himself on the back for his “good deeds.”
Pray and Never Give Up
Davis Craig preaches on the story of the widow and the unjust judge. The judge keeps refusing to give the widow a just decision, but like water on rock she wears down his stony heart. Through sheer persistence she is able to win. Claire Hitchins visits from Virginia and plays her song Rain which was inspired by a community in Bolivia that persisted in getting the rights to their water back from a multinational corporation.
Who Are We Leaving Behind? – By Rev. Myra Brown
Rev. Myra asks us to look at the story of Jesus healing ten people with leprosy through a new lens. She switches the focus from the nine that moved on, to the one that was left behind. Rev. Myra says Jesus’ question wasn’t just about where are the other nine, but perhaps Jesus is asking something deeper. Who is it that we’re leaving behind, and who are we moving forward with? Because Jesus knows that we have the power to…