Here you can find edited version of all our Sunday homilies and more.
Spiritus Christi Mass April 29th, 2018
This Sunday’s Mass celebrated the children of our community.
Spiritus Christi Mass April 8th, 2018
This is a Spiritus Christi Mass in Rochester, NY. Rev. Myra Brown is preaching on John 20:19-31.
Spiritus Christi Mass April 1st, 2018
This is Easter Sunday at Spiritus Christi in Rochester, NY. Rev. Mary Ramerman is preaching on Mary Magdala’s visit to the tomb where the stone is rolled away and Jesus is risen! The parishioners are invited to sing the Hallelujah Chorus with the Spirit Singers.
Spiritus Christi Mass March 25th, 2018
It is Palm Sunday at Spiritus Christi Mass in Rochester, NY. Fr. Jim Callan is preaching on the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Spirit Singers perform the Passion.
Spiritus Christi Mass March 18th, 2018
This is a Spiritus Christi mass where Sr. Margie Henninger is preaching on the story of Lazarus in John 11:1-45. Her talk addresses how shame and guilt can hold us back and how Jesus can heal us of that guilt.
Spiritus Christi Mass March 11th, 2018
This is a Spiritus Christi mass in Rochester, NY. We are celebrating the 38th year of our Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach Ministry. Director Jim Smith and the staffs of our two houses for men and women exoffenders are present as well as participants in the program.
Spiritus Christi Mass February 11th, 2018
This is a Spiritus Christi mass where Rev. Myra Brown is preaching on Jesus’ healilng of the leper in Mark 1:40-45. She speaks to us about ending the bonds of oppression and Jesus’ willingness to do so. She says, “Sometimes we have to break social norms, political norms…to restore life to the broken.” The Spiritus Choir is joined today by the Zion Hill Choir.
Spiritus Christi Mass February 4th, 2018
This is a Spiritus Christi Mass in Rochester, NY. Rev. Mary Ramerman is preaching on Mark 1:29-39. The disciples are content to stay where they are well-received and people are successfully being healed; but Jesus instructs them to move on to the next town. God is here for everyone; no one is left out. We are called to leave our comfort zones and be open to friendships with everyone. Change is difficult for us, but it is necessary for our…
Spiritus Christi Mass January 28th, 2018
This is a Spiritus Christi Mass in Rochester, NY. Mike Boucher addresses his remarks to men in this homily. He speaks about this year of women insisting on a stop to harassment and a toxic masculinity of violence, force, and coercion. This is not a “male-bashing” homily, but a prophetic reflection on masculinity, culture, and power.