Across the Miles

Across the Miles

This past weekend, Spiritus’ “Across the Miles” group gathered in Rochester. These are folks from all around the country – some who used to live in Rochester, some who have never been to Rochester – who are part of Spiritus Christi’s virtual community. While our virtual community includes international participants as well, the people who made this pilgrimage were from various parts of the United States. In addition to tuning in to weekend (and other) services and to some of our other online programming, the Across the Miles group also meets monthly online for their own fellowship and faith sharing. Some of them met in person for the first time being here in Rochester together!

I had the great blessing to spend time with this group over the last 4 days, and what an extraordinary group of people they are! In fact, I was brought to tears quite a few times in their presence. The first time was at Thursday night mass when members of the group served as lectors and eucharistic ministers, and I met most of them in person for the first time. It really felt like family members were returning home after we’d been separated for a while, and I could not be more glad that we were all back together!

While here, the Across the Miles group toured the outreaches, met with the pastoral team and basically had a retreat at Fr. Jim’s house on Copeland Street.  They took in local cuisine (Don’s Original, Pittsford Dairy, Rev. Myra’s cookout) and visited other historic sites in Rochester (Strong Museum’s Underground Railroad exhibit, Mt. Hope Cemetery, 1872 Café, etc.).  They prayed together, reflected together, asked all kinds of questions and told stories of their lives.

When they were in the planning stages of this event (and a big shout out goes to Lauren for working out so many details with the group), they called their journey a “pilgrimage.” Traditionally speaking, a pilgrimage is a journey – often to an unknown place – where one seeks an expanded meaning of self, the world, purpose, etc. And generally a pilgrimage leads to some form of transformation.

From talking with them, I know that transformation has been happening to them while they have been here, yet they are not the only ones being transformed. They are transforming Rochester with their presence.

Their courage and desire to pilgrimage here has been deeply moving for me (and other members of the staff), and their presence here has given me heart (literally en-couraged me) to keep doing what I do (and in new ways). They have breathed some new life into our community by coming here and have reminded me of what it means to “be church” to one another. They also reminded me of how blessed Spiritus is to have so many good people as part of this community – no matter where they live. And they bring so many great ideas with them about how our community can keep living into its mission and purpose.

And one thing I keep holding on to is that this daring group of people left their regular lives behind to come together for four days – entering the unknown (and yet coming home at the same time). They followed their hunger and sought out God and each other. They took risks and were vulnerable. They let themselves be moved (literally). They trusted a call.

I could not help but think of the early disciples when I think of our “Across the Miles” group – and especially the stories we read in the post-resurrection accounts. These were people whose hearts burned within them as they had conversation and walked with the unknown Christ on the road. These were people who broke bread together and had their eyes opened to Jesus’ presence in their midst. These were people who travelled distances to connect with other disciples in local churches.

This is our Across the Miles group. They model for me a faith that takes risks. A pilgrim people. Everyday folks following their hearts into the unknown. People who find their way home.

May we follow their lead and do the same.


    Toni and Mick Gallagher

    We pilgrimmage with all you you in our heart and prayers every Sunday and is our great hope to one day meet in person…until then we are with you in Spirit! Spiritus has held us since April of 2020 when Beth Jordan shared your ministry with our Joan Chisster Institue 2019 soon reunion…we are grateful to all of you and what you bring to us!

    Virginia Biggie

    Wow! Sounds like all of you had an amazing four days! I’m not very far away in Buffalo, but your church and people are always in my heart!❤️

    Barbara Simmons

    Spiritus Christi had always demonstrated what it is to be a church…a diverse group of people who come together not only for worship but to grow spiritually, share their gifts with each other, to support one another, and to welcome everyone unconditionally. To add another whole dimension of folks from across the miles who are now connected to Spiritus virtually is a special blessing. What an absolute treat to have these wonderful people gather in Rochester in person. I am sure they went back to their homes as full of joy as we were to have them here for four days.

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