Lent (Page 4)

Lent (Page 4)

Reflections on the Lenten Journey

The Sign of Jonah

Jesus tells the people that no sign will be given them but the "sign of Jonah." What, then, is the story of Jonah trying to teach us?

What If God Was One Of Us?

In today's gospel, Jesus tells a story where God identifies with the "least" in the world and says whatever we do for them is what we do for God.

Forty Nights

In our Sunday readings, we hear of God’s covenant with Noah after the flood and then read about Jesus being “driven” into the desert by the Spirit – to develop his own covenant with God. Lent offers us a time to reflect on our own covenant with God and to let ourselves be “driven” into an inner desert where we face whatever separates us from God. In today’s reflections, guest blogger Maud McInerney offers us an original poem that emerged…

Repair the Ancient Ruins

Isaiah 58 offers us a vision of a world where the faithful move through the world working to restore all that has become fractured and separated.

No More Thoughts and Prayers

In Isaiah 58, God crituques the prayers and fasting of Israel because it is unrelated to what God really desires - concrete acts of liberation in the world.

Finding Our Way Back

During the season of Lent, we are invited to reflect more intentionally on what William Stringfellow called the "culture of death" and find ways to resist it.

Similar and Different

The resurrection is not just an event that happened to Jesus. It is something that we are invited to participate in every day.