Reflections (Page 8)
Not the Age of Information
In the time of Jesus and maybe even more so now, people hunger not only for physical sustenance but for spiritual nourishment.
Bold and Flexible
In the faith life, we are invited to move through the world with a spirit of boldness yet also remain open and fluid and adaptable.
Actualize Love
Valentine's Day invites us to move beyond some of the superficial, consumer aspects of the holiday and seek to end domination and oppression through love.
Trust the Process
Sometimes in the spiritual life, it can be hard to trust in the processes that we are in and even to feel God's presence.
The Door Beneath Everything
Everything that we are going through offers a doorway into some new meaning and possibility for our lives - if we can stop and reflect.
Post Christmas
While we may be on the other side of the Christmas holiday, the "work" of Christmas is something that we can be part of all year long.
A Grassroots Faith
Advent celebrates God's using ordinary people to change the course of history if they can remember to trust their own experience.
Happiness Is Here And Now
Our happiness lies in our ability to be in the here and now - dropping our worries and not being in a hurry.
Inside and Outside
Even in the midst of personal and collective struggle, we can find an Advent joy that invites us into God's dream for the world.
Known by Many Names
Thanksgiving is known as a national day of mourning in many indigenous communities due to the history and ongoing legacy of colonialism.
After a cardiac event, Spiritus member Joe Spadoni reflects on what he's learned about life, gratitude and being cared for
Zacchaeus climbs a tree to get perspective. So, too, do we need to make sure we are orienting ourselves towards that which brings life.