Green spot follow up

Green spot follow up

In our August green spot we talked about Eco Park. I recently went there to check it out. I found it very well organized and easy to navigate through. I hate to throw things out that cannot be recycled so I had various items accumulating in my basement that Eco Park accepted (large pieces of styrofoam from packaging, paint cans, empty prescription containers, etc.) I’m embarrassed to admit how long I had these things gathering in my basement but it felt so good to find a place where I could finally recycle them. Going to Eco Park takes planning because they have limited hours (Wednesday afternoon or Saturday morning) but you also only need to go once or twice a year. If you’re anything like me and you don’t mind letting items accumulate for a while bringing them to Eco Park could be a solution for you as it was for me.

A few weekends ago Fr. Jim quoted Jane Goodall during his homily. He said she was asked if there was one thing everyone could do to help the environment what would that one thing be? She said the one thing would be to stop eating animal products. I’ve been thinking about the impact that would actually have. I know I’m fantasizing here but let’s go with it for a moment. All the farmland used to raise cattle could be used for organic farming or maybe they could be turned into bamboo farms (bamboo is more efficient at taking in carbon dioxide than trees). All the methane gas released from animals would be eliminated. All the water used to grow the food the animals eat could be rerouted to other areas where it is desperately needed. There are many advantages and leave it to Jane Goodall to point it out to us. I love the way something said during a homily by one of our preachers stays with me and I keep thinking of it weeks later. Do you find that happening to you as well?


    Maggie Odhner

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts – I know the idea of giving up animal products sounds extreme , but in small steps it is very possible to reduce the consumption of mean, dairy , poultry and fish. Plant based eating has so many human health benefits as well. Small changes can have a powerful impact !

    Linda DiStefano

    I recently visited Eco-Park with A LOT of ‘stuff’ I had been saving. It felt good not to send it to a landfill and to clean out the garage. The line was discouragingly long when I arrived at 1:00 on a recent Wednesday, but it moved quickly. Twenty minutes at the most.

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