Lauren Urzetta

Lauren Urzetta

As the Hospitality Minister, I have the privilege of meeting and connecting with new parishioners in the parish, coordinating our overall hospitality experience, and helping parishioners find and join different ministries and small groups. As a Youth Minister, I run our Junior High Youth Group, and provide support to our Young Adult Ministry. I also assist in managing our social media. 

I joined Spiritus over 15 years ago when I was seeking a more progressive and inclusive church, and instantly fell in love. I quickly became involved volunteering for the Junior High Youth Group, and then took over as the Senior High Youth Minister. Before joining the staff  I obtained my Bachelors at Hofstra University in English Education, taught as an English teacher for 12 years, and during that time obtained a degree in Special Education from St. John Fisher College. Although I loved my time teaching, I felt a true calling to pursue a full-time career in ministry, and eventually started the MDIV program at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School with the hopes of one day going full-time at Spiritus and serving our community in whatever capacity was needed. Being able to join my faith and work together has alway been a dream of mine, and I feel so blessed to be able to do the work that God has allowed me to do. 

I am married to my incredible wife Danielle and together we have a beautiful baby boy Vincent, and two energetic kitties Lucy and Gracie. During our free time we love having Italian dinners with our family, hiking with our friends and taking day trips as a couple.

phone: (585) 325-1180 x 107
