Siobhan Potter

Siobhan Potter

Phone: 585-325-1180 ext 105


I am excited to be able to work with the children and families here at Spiritus. My work includes providing a curriculum with lessons giving our children an enriching learning experience that promotes love and inclusion. Not only that, but children understand that God loves each one of us so much and gives us special and unique gifts to use in our world. My work also includes preparing our children to make sacraments such as 1st Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation. I also prepare and guide families for Baptisms as well. I am so grateful to work with all of the children and families here. They open my eyes to God’s true love and promise of a bright future.

I was fortunate to start attending Corpus Christi when I was in 6th grade. I had always grown up going to Catholic schools and never felt that true connection to God until I started at Corpus. I am grateful I was able to experience the split and see first hand the determination and true faith in our leaders and what they envisioned for God’s church; welcoming to all. As I followed with the formation of Spiritus Christi, I began to volunteer with the religious education program went on to work as the Junior High Youth minister for 8 years and now I work as the Director of Religious Education and Family Ministry here. I graduated from Nazareth College with a degree in Inclusive Education and Sociology. Ever since I was younger, I have always loved learning about our God and have had strong faith. I am overjoyed I get to share that with the children at Spiritus.

I married my best friend, Mark in 2007 and we have two beautiful children together; Natalie and Callan. We also have a yellow lab named Griffin and a cat named Tinkie. While I am not working, I love spending time with family and friends going on hikes, reading, yoga and I love going to Disney World!