Grace of God Recovery House

Grace of God Recovery House

Grace of God Recovery House is a safe home for men recovering from alcoholism and drug addictions. Located at 120 Franklin St in downtown Rochester, it houses up to four men at a time. Residents stay in this supportive structured environment until they are ready to move on to a halfway house or independent living. Every Wednesday evening residents, former residents, staff and volunteers gather for a community meal and sharing group.

The House was founded in 1999 by Sister Marjory “Margie” Henninger as the first ministry of (the then newly formed) Spiritus Christi Church. The House is currently run by Director Mark Bennett, who came up through the program and was chosen by Sr. Margie to be her successor when she decided to retire at age 80. A small staff and a number of volunteers provide ongoing support for residents, sharing their 12-step experiences, cooking meals, and providing transportation.

Note from Rev. Myra:

Dear Friends,
August is almost upon us where we get to celebrate our wonderful Grace of God Recovery House Ministry.

For 25 years, when Sister Margie started Grace of God, it has been serving our recovery community, walking with men struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. This week I was with a woman who struggled with addiction where it was impacting her memory, housing, healthcare, food security, and her ability to advocate for herself. We spent three hours just navigating systemic barriers to get her what she needed. This was just a glimpse of understanding the work being done at our Recovery House. Mark Bennett our director, his staff, and volunteers take this journey with men in recovery every day, helping them to reclaim their lives, navigate systems, and begin a life of recovery, while offering a loving home and a supportive environment. Mark has taken the house from serving three residents to six, expanding the work we can do there. I love that every Sunday these men come to church and worship with us as part of our community. Demi Lovato once said, “One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.” Every man in our Grace of God Recovery House is worth recovery and we have the privilege as a church community to champion that work.

Thank you Rev. Myra!

For questions or to talk, Mark Bennett, Director of Grace of God Recovery House, may be contacted at 585-766-0683 or by email: