This Is Not Normal
In Jesus' ministry, he brought a sense of urgency to his ministry because he knew what was at stake. We can do the same in our lives.
Alternative Skill Sets
In today's gospel passage, Jesus is offering some commentary on the skill sets that are needed in God's kin-dom.
Let the Whole Church say, “Wow!”
The experience of awe and beauty might urge us to say a heartfelt, "Wow!" which Anne Lamott says is one of 3 essential prayers.
The Hard and Necessary Self-reflection and Recommitment
Welcome to Lent 2024! We are glad that you have joined us on this journey. Every day during this season we will offer short reflections on the themes of Lent and how these might connect with life today. We certainly look forward to your being an active parcipant through your comments, suggestions and feedback. As in the past, the blog will feature some guest contributors, and we start Ash Wednesday with a guest! Michael Marshall, who is fully committed to…
My electric Vehicle Journey
New experience driving a non polluting car.
Black Catholic History
Black Catholic history is a rich and often neglected part of Catholic history.
What can be recycled?
Answers to questions about recycling plastic bags, batteries, envelopes, clothing, bicycles, cooking oil and plastic containers.
Green spot follow up
In our August green spot we talked about Eco Park. I recently went there to check it out. I found it very well organized and easy to navigate through. I hate to throw things out that cannot be recycled so I had various items accumulating in my basement that Eco Park accepted (large pieces of styrofoam from packaging, paint cans, empty prescription containers, etc.) I’m embarrassed to admit how long I had these things gathering in my basement but it…
The Future of Four
I spent the Memorial Day weekend celebrating my grandson’s 14th birthday, with five other 14-year-old boys who have been his friends since Kindergarten. These five young men were modeling the importance of maintaining lasting connections, as they shared their future hopes and dreams with me to become professional athletes, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs and a veterinarian. Four out of the five were African American and so I found myself quietly praying that they all live long enough to fulfill those dreams, as…
Embracing the Unexpected
(Post by guest blogger, Lauren Urzetta Frye, youth minister at Spiritus Christi Church and seminarian at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School) March 8th Readings 2 Kings 5:1-15 and Luke 4: 24-30 In today’s readings we are presented with the motif of “the unexpected”, and I think it is more than safe to say we have all had our fair share of “the unexpected” throughout this past year. In the first reading, an unexpected essential character in the story is an…
February 19 Readings IS 58:1-9A; MT 9:14-15 Fasting is the topic of the day today. As you may know, fasting is a very ancient spiritual practice that has been used in pretty much every major religious tradition in order to build spiritual power. It can take the form of self-denial (where we give things up that we don’t need) or refraining from doing things (that do not have a place in our lives but somehow found their way in). Whatever…
Lena Gantt: A Gem I Should Have Known
Lena Gantt knew how to get things done in Rochester: She would call a legislator daily. She’d sit in a leader’s office until she got some face-to-face time. She’d take buses to and from meetings, getting there on time and leaving late into the night. Mrs. Gantt and her family came to Rochester in 1952, looking for a better life. Like other African Americans who moved North during the Great Migration, Mrs. Gantt moved from one place of struggle to…
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