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God Is So Big

Wednesday, May 13 Daniel Tammet wrote the New York Times Bestseller, Born on a Blue Day. It is his story of growing up in an Irish family as the eldest of eight kids with parents who loved them. That fact is fundamental to who he is. In addition to that, he is a high functioning, autistic savant with Asperger’s Syndrome and ADD.  As a child, he had difficulty communicating, understanding concepts, and making friends.  As an adult, he speaks eleven…

The Communty of Believers

Readings: ACTS 4:32-37; JN 3:7B-15 As we said at Easter, we’re going to try to keep sending some reflections your way on an occasional basis and figured, “Why not today?” Today’s reading from Acts is, perhaps, one of the most foundational (and aspirational) texts from the Christian scriptures. I remember being in my 20’s studying theology and justice and starting to “experiment” in intentional community. These lines from Acts 4 were inspirational: The community of believers was of one heart…View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

Raise Up Love

Sunday, March 29 Readings – EZ 37:12-14; ROM 8:8-11; JN 11:1-45 Earlier this week, I pulled together a little study group via Facebook to break open the readings and reflect with me. And I want to thank Kathy, Ann, Kateri, John, Jonathan and Carol for a very rich and moving conversation.  Since I am preaching on these readings at church this weekend and can only offer a portion of what we reflected on together, I wanted to make some of…

Seeing, being and doing

Wednesday, March 13 Readings: JON 3:1-10; LK 11:29-32 Today we hear a section from the story of Jonah, and then hear Jesus cite that story. The basics of the story: Jonah gets a calling from God to go to the city of Ninevah.  Jonah goes in the other direction!  Eventually he gets thrown off the ship, gets swallowed up and sits in the belly of a great fish for 3 days and is spit out at Ninevah.  Jonah gets same…
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